Celebrating the Relaunch of Home Craft Design

On April 16th, I had a Home Craft Design relaunch event at Marla Rutherford Studio in Boulder, CO. And a big thanks goes out to my goal coach, Jacki Carr, for believing in me and encouraging me to do this. I also want to thank my business astrologer, Ashley Tracy, who let me know April 16th was the best day in my chart to have it (hello Taurus sun and Aquarius rising!).

Not only did Jacki believe in me, but I learned how to believe in myself! Public speaking and putting myself out there scares me and makes me feel uncomfortable. But what I’ve learned as an entrepreneur is that what scares you is there to guide you and make you stronger! 

Celebrating the relaunch of Home Craft Design
Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.
— Bryant McGill

Embracing the Next Chapter for Home Craft Design

A big reason for this relaunch is that I wanted to represent myself in a way that truly showcases my work and passion today. As we grow, so do our businesses, so why not celebrate all of it—the learnings, the changes, and the successes? 

Home Craft Design, and myself included, have changed so much over the last two years since embarking on this journey as an entrepreneur. I have worked with a goal coach, a business astrologer, taken quite a few continuing education courses, and listened to numerous design podcasts. Plus, each client I’ve had and project I’ve worked on has only made me better at what I do and has inspired me even more! That and nature inspires me (100% always), just like all the beautiful sunsets I got to witness last summer in Cape May, NJ.

Valuing Who We Are and Supporting One Another

At this relaunch event, not only did I get to showcase my new website (which is absolutely beautiful!), but I passed out new business cards, which felt divine to the touch and are aesthetically pleasing to the eyes; I also handed out new pens and a Home Craft Design tote bag. And I had the opportunity to feature and highlight two guest speakers and local businesses at the event—Jenna Corder with Organize It But Make It Pretty and Rachel Link with Imagine More Lighting. Supporting other local businesses feels so aligned with my personal and business values, so you will be seeing much more of this from me. Stay tuned!

Another professional core value of mine is bringing the outdoors in because I want a client's home to be more than just beautiful aesthetics; I want it to capture a feeling. This is one of the reasons why guests at the relaunch received a small ceramic planter with a tray so that they could create a practice to set an intention for their space. What you do is write your intention down on a piece of paper and put it in the planter, fill it with dirt, and plant a seed. Then every time you water it you are reminded of your intention for your space because you are the designer too. Whether it’s the sofa or the energy of the space, we always have a choice.

What’s Next and a Complimentary Design Service

Last but certainly not least! I’ve got some more exciting news for Home Craft Design. Everyone who was at the relaunch event will be receiving a *FREE design service—at any point over the next four months, you can schedule an In-Home Design Audit with me! (Design Audits are a limited series from May 1-Sept 1, 2023)

What a Complimentary In-Home Design Audit Looks Like:

For thirty minutes, on a Monday of your choosing, I will come to your home and assess your space, layout, opportunity potential, as well as propose some design ideas. Afterward, I’ll provide feedback and recommendations via email within 48 hours of my visiting your home. 

*Design audits will be on Mondays and will be done solo to honor my artistic vision and craft.

Interested in learning more and scheduling your complimentary In-Home Design Audit? Great! Go ahead and email me directly at colleen@homecraftdesign.com, so we can coordinate. And if you’re interested in any of my new services here, don’t hesitate to reach out!

I couldn’t be more excited for all that’s to come for Home Craft Design, and I do have plans to hire within the next year as we continue to grow and expand, so please spread the word about our new website designed by the amazingly talented Elizabeth Nelson with Creative Allure Design. And remember, we’re currently taking on new clients, so tell who you know!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for coming to the relaunch event and celebrating this new chapter with me! It truly meant the world to celebrate alongside you. 

And if you couldn’t make it, I have a feeling that this is not the last event I will be hosting!


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