Don’t Neglect Your Primary Bedroom Design  

Where do you unwind after a long day? And where do you start your day all over again?

You start and end your day in your bedroom. So it’s important to keep that in mind when it comes to designing your home—you may want to jump right into remodeling your kitchen or bathroom (which does add value to your home!), but you don’t want to forget about your primary bedroom design in the process. It’s just as important, if not more! 

Plus, remodeling your home can be stressful with all of its ups and downs, so you need a place—a sanctuary—where you can go to retreat and recharge. Why not have that place be your primary bedroom? When redecorating this space, remember to make it cozy, calm, and inviting. Go even further and think of it like you would a spa or your favorite hotel room!

Primary bedroom design ideas and tips

Not sure where to start when it comes to your primary bedroom design? Not to worry! We’ve rounded up 18 creative and inspiring ideas to help you decorate the bedroom of your dreams.

1. Don't be afraid of white on white: Surprisingly, white on white can be a great foundation for you to create a cozy-overload bedroom! With white walls and white linen, the 'cozy' elements come from adding accessories such as chunky knit throws, thick curtains, and warm pillows. 

2. Add warm, natural textures, and materials: Wood, linen, rattan, wicker, stone, wool—these are all materials that exude warmth, so place them around your bedroom to make it feel cozy. 

3. Use a big comfy rug: Imagine getting out of bed in the morning and sinking your toes into a big, fluffy rug. Sounds amazing, right? You can't get cozier than a wool rug next to your bed. 

4. Always opt for warm lamps: A great design tip to make your bedroom feel cozy is to add elements of soft lighting like lamps. Choose soft or deep, dark colors for your light shades, but make sure that the actual bulb itself isn't harsh—soft, warm lighting equals cozy vibes.

5. Paint a feature wall: If white isn't for you, why not pick the wall at the head of your bed and paint it a solid color instead? Design idea: think earthy greens.

6. Get creative with candles: Make your bedroom feel cozy by adding candles and don’t hold back—get creative with them! While normal candles can make a room smell nice, artificial candles give off a warm glow (extra cozy!), and candles inside glass lanterns look beautiful!

7. The thicker the curtains, the better: Thick, textured curtains are the ideal cozy vibe, but you can also layer them too. Consider having netted curtains underneath with thicker, darker curtains on top, as this layered look will add to the warmth of the room. 

8. Patterns can be cozy too: Pattern on pattern and texture on texture can create a very cozy feeling, so don't be afraid to combine patterned wallpaper with rich, patterned textiles. 

9. Make your headboard a feature: If you don't want colored paint or patterns in your bedroom, make your headboard your feature. From soft velvet materials to lavish patterns, you can make your headboard the centerpiece of your whole room. 

10. Overload on fabrics: You can make your bedroom feel cozy by using a mixture of fabrics. By simply draping a blanket artfully over the back of a chair or adding mix-and-match throw pillows to furniture or a window seat, you can create color, texture, and coziness easily. 

11. Stack your favorite books: Since technology is everywhere these days, why not make your bedroom a quiet space to relax and unwind? And not having technology in your room sets you up for a good night’s sleep, so ditch the electronics and bring in some books instead. Add a small bookshelf and display your books, or keep a pile of favorites by your bedside.

12. Minimalism is key to coziness: Too many elements can make a room feel busy and cluttered. Think about what items mean the most to you and only add those items to your room. The minimalist feel will help you to feel relaxed and ready to wind down. 

13. Splurge on great linens: Although the look is important when you want to make your room feel cozy, actually feeling cozy is more important! Splurge on great linens for your bed—once you slip in between your amazingly soft set of sheets after a long day, you’ll never want to leave.

14. Combine linens with plump pillows and a duvet insert: Now that you have good sheets with a high thread count, you’ll want to pair them with a duvet insert, plump pillows, and a medium-weight comforter. You'll be so cozy that you may never want to leave your bedroom!

15. Make that awkward corner a cozy one: Do you have an awkward corner in your room that you really don't know what to do with? Make it your cozy reading nook and add a hanging chair or an oversized armchair, paired with a blanket and a little side table, and voila! Cozy vibes.

16. Select art that matches the vibes: Although art is subjective, consider opting for relaxing colors. While reds and oranges may be the typical 'warm' colors, they are distracting. For art and paintings, choose pieces that have soft blues, greens, or gray tones instead. 

17. Make your bedroom feel cozy with a big, soft mattress: If you know that your mattress is heavenly, then every time you look at your bedroom, you’ll feel warm and cozy inside. Make the investment in a good mattress, and you'll never have a bad night's sleep again!

18. Finish the look with a plant or two: Plants add to the natural, earthy, and relaxing vibes of your bedroom, helping to create a serene sanctuary for you to wind down in. Something as simple as a delicate orchid can help bring life into your room while giving you a little pop of color.

Your primary bedroom is called primary for a reason—it should be a top priority when decorating your home since it’s the place where you spend at least 1/3 of your time each day!

Are you inspired yet? We hope that’s the case, and if you need some additional support, guidance, and inspiration when it comes to your primary bedroom design or other rooms of your home, Home Craft Design is here to help make your home as warm and inviting as possible.


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