The Difference Between Interior Designers and Interior Decorators

These two titles are often pitted against each other: interior designer vs. interior decorator. While both of these roles are integral and important in their own ways, as they can help to create a beautiful end result for your home, there is a difference between interior design and interior decoration. Let’s explore the difference between these two roles and help you figure out who you need to hire to help bring your home to life.

Deciding between interior designer vs. interior decorator
Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.
— Albert Einstein

What an Interior Designer Does

An interior designer is able to help design and renovate home interiors, from drawing up the initial floor plans to placing the last decorative piece in the space. They don’t just enhance the look and feel of a home—they improve the function of your space, and they are able to help you achieve your design goals from initial concept to project completion.

To become an interior designer requires specific schooling and education. While they work with the aesthetics in a home, an interior designer understands drawing, space planning, furniture design, and how to work with an architect, depending on their formal training.

What an Interior Decorator Does

An interior decorator comes into the picture after the structural planning and execution are already completed, and they focus on the overall look of the space.

Becoming an interior decorator doesn’t require formal training as the primary focus is on aesthetics, and interior decorators don’t participate in structural planning and renovations as interior designers do. Interior decorators are usually hired after interior designers are.

Deciding Between Interior Designer vs. Interior Decorator

Knowing whether to hire an interior designer or interior decorator really depends on your design needs, the goals you have for your home, and how much assistance and support you want to receive from the professional that you hire. 

  • If you have a remodeling job to get done, you’ll want to hire an interior designer.

  • If you want guidance in selecting furniture, you can hire a designer or decorator.

  • If you want to update the color scheme of a room, you can hire an interior decorator.

An interior designer is going to take the time to understand who you are, how you want your space to feel, and create a plan to make your space work for you. An interior decorator is going to help you furnish and complete your space aesthetically.

At the end of the day, no matter who you work with, you want to hire the professional who you feel the most comfortable with, regardless of their skill level and education. Because it’s your home, and you’re inviting them into your sacred space.


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